Darwin (Karama) – Two Brilliant Canine Companions

Roy and Moo loving the beach life at Lee Point, NT

If you’ve noticed a large gap in my posts and references on this page, you’re very observant.

I fell off a plane in Darwin on 26 March 2019 for what was to be my last housesit.

Mostly because I hadn’t *needed* to housesit to guarantee a roof over my head for over nine months; from June 2018 I was cashed up and not needing to be sweating for the next housesit for shelter. I chose to honour my outstanding commitments, and also chose to finish a run of five years non-stop in the Northern Territory – the last of the eight state/territory jurisdictions in Terra Australis I’d not set foot on until that day.

And then a funny thing happened. I could afford a much grander lifestyle (and my financial adviser was encouraging me to spend some of my money), when July 2021 kicked in, I could afford an even grander lifestyle thanks to a very generous superannuation pension.

But by then, I was acclimatised to living like a gypsy. I’d embraced the lifestyle. Moving around from place to place had become my normal.

Never say never, famous last words, and don’t put the mockers on yourself. From a combination of laziness and Covid, I stayed in the NT for two years nine months, and as soon as I mumbled the words ‘house sitter’ in the company of others, the offers and requests came trickling in. I had gigs all over Darwin and Palmerston for over two years.

I probably would have left NT in late 2020, despite the relentless march of Covid19 and the territory’s relative insulation from its worst ravages. But a chance Facebook post had me enter into a recurring two-week-on, two-week-off arrangement from December 2020 to July 2021.

Despite many, many housesits in Darwin and Palmerston from March 2019 onwards, this was the one and only written reference I received:

Back in December 2020, I put up an ad on Facebook for a house/dog sitter for two weeks. I work a two weeks on/two weeks off FIFO roster.

Bill answered my ad and come and looked after my two dogs and house for me. I have a very boisterous staffy (Roy), and a little foxy x Jack Russell (Moo). Both dogs are super spoilt and both inside/outside dogs. 

When I returned from work, Bill picked me up at the airport. When I dropped him off I said, if you are interested in sitting again, let me know. To my surprise he said, “Yes!!!!”

Eight months later, Bill has looked after my home and dogs every other two weeks.

I also let him borrow my car as he is THE ONLY sitter I have ever had that has taken my dogs to the beach for walks. This means so much to me. And there is always fuel in the car when I return.

I can go to work, knowing my dogs and home are safe. My dogs are happy and well looked after. My home is spotless, just the way I left it, and Bill even washes his bedding before leaving.

I work a very demanding job, so going to work and not having to stress about what’s going at at home means a lot to me. I barely have to message Bill to even check in with him, as I know everything is fine.

Bill has never accepted money from me even when I have offered it. He is just simply happy to sit for me. So understandably when Bill told me he is going to move on from Darwin, I was a little upset, but I wish Bill all the best with his new ventures in life.

My dogs love Bill, I love Bill. I highly recommend him to anyone that is looking for a clean, tidy and respectable house sitter.

Hope, Moo and Roy